Environ's pioneering Dual Electro-Sonic Technology sets the benchmark for Professional Skincare Treatments.
Low-frequency Sonophoresis and pulsed Iontophoresis, combined with Environ's Professional Skincare formulations, help deliver more of what skin needs, where it needs it most - making a real lasting difference for life.
The Lactic and Glycolic peels are very similar in their actions, but the molecules are slightly different. A good rule of thumb is the pure Lactic is best for treating age/sunspots and the pure Glycolic is best for treating fine lines. The Glyco/Lac combination is great if you are looking for a revitalizing improvement in tone and texture.
Glycolic Acid is the most active and beneficial of the Alpha-Hydroxy-Acids (AHA) in skin care and is made from sugar canes. It is the only AHA which can penetrate through the cell walls by virtue of its small molecular size. Once inside the cell, it will trigger new formation of collagen and turn on the synthesis of dermal glycosaminoglycans to plump up the cell and the ground substances in the skin to reduce wrinkles on the skin's surface. Glycolic Acid also affects the newly forming keratin cells at the bottom of the stratum corneum causing the bulk of the stratum corneum to lift off and separate from the underlying skin. This gives the skin a much smoother look and feel.
The Lactic and Salicylic peels complement each other perfectly. The Salicylic is great for acne, but is also drying, and works less well on fading pigmentation. The Lactic acid fades pigmentation and pulls moisture into the skin. So, by alternating between the peels you get the benefits of the Salicylic without the excessive dryness, and you get faster improvements to pigmentation and tone.